
LL :: Volume 26 :: LR

  Salt Purse from a Sea's Ear
*   Fads of the City
  Nearly every neighborhood and subdistrict of the City now has a leitmotif, either composed by a resident or commissioned from one of the Locale musical interest groups. Three Districts have gone so far as to coordinate motifs; the Lefttown polyphonic fugue is receiving very good commentary in the foam.

A zone's motif may be heard in open air in parks, pockets, and promenades; or you can receive it as audio via context-specific Net source.

*   Technology Spinoffs
  New views on the weather front:

Street Fog: Just a few inches deep, clinging to the pavement, swirling around your ankles. The water dispersement tools are set up ten to twenty feet apart; they gather humidity from the air above the fog layer, up to ten feet above the ground, and condense it to mist droplets. Functional in all but the hottest or driest weather. Very classy for the appropriate sorts of street festivals and parades; one neighborhood has voted to leave the fog on all year round.

Scented Rain: No, not actually adding perfume to rain -- that would be hit with a dozen commons injunctions before the first raindrop got within sight of land. However, with a standard scent-range local or neighborhood agreement, you can dust the ground with a microbubble powder which is designed to break down in rainfall. Groups have gotten nice effects by using different scents on pavement and grassy ground. The powder has a gradated susceptibility, so that it will last several rainfalls with no loss in strength, but it does need to be replenished eventually.

*   Gourmet Corner
  Temperate spices are enjoying a burst of popularity in the foam. Recent developments in buffered neural sensitizers permit controlled sensations of warmth and coolth in your food. The raw chill of menthol and the pain-heat of capsaicin can now be replaced by a subjective temperature tuned to within three degrees. The duration of the sensation can also be controlled, though not so precisely -- different people clear the chemical components from their nerve endings at different rates.

The induced sensation mostly masks the actual perception of temperature (though it does not mask pain, so there's no danger of burns from truly hot food). But the spices are not absorbed instantaneously; nor are they spread around the mouth in exactly the same way as thermal heat. Foam reports that this can be used for some striking tricks of contrast. (Consider a hot-fudge sundae where the hot stays hot and the cold stays cold.)

*   In the Home
  Shelf Paper is a handy home customization tool, in the form of wallpaper (and an accompanying control stylus). Cover a wall with the paper. You can then draw a horizontal line on it with the stylus. The line protrudes slightly, forming a horizontal ridge. You can then just grab the ridge and pull. It extends out smoothly, forming a shelf. Repeat as desired. Put any object on a shelf to lock the shelf in place.

The paper has a standard color-decorate interface. By default, the wall surface and the shelves are separate contexts; you can also divide shelves into groups, or decorate each one individually.

Since there's no limit to how far you can extend a shelf, you can even use this system to create simple furniture. Pull a shelf four feet out, and it's a table. If you don't like rectangular surfaces, you can mark off sections of the shelf with the stylus, and then tap areas to delete them. A straightforward drafting interface lets you lay out regular arcs, angles, and polygons for your borders.

(The finished shelf doesn't even have to be in contact with the wall, so you can have free-floating furniture as well. However, disconnected shelf surfaces require a high-force load field projection. This will not be a problem in most homes, but you should still check your environment for precedence conflicts.)

*   Life of the Mind
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