A Concordance for John M. Ford's The Dragon Waiting
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The first public release of Draco Concordans, I knew, would be miserably incomplete. I entered this project thoroughly ignorant of the ancient and medieval history that underlies The Dragon Waiting. I've learned all sorts of things; but six months of Internet research can only take you so far.

Listed here are all the changes and additions I've made to Draco Concordans since other people got their hands on it. If you have something to add, contact me (see front page) and I'll be delighted to add your name.

Apr 29, 2008 (Tuesday)

John Hawkwood (p62) as a basis for Gordon R. Dickson's Dorsai. (neal plotkin)

Known dangers of lending to princes (p70). (neal plotkin)

A novel about Elizabeth Bathory (p259). (neal plotkin)

Days in a month are not counted by ides and nones (p45). Also a note about when the beginning of the year was moved to January (p173). (esa peuha)

Names like John, James, Anne should not be familiar in TDW history (p312). (esa peuha)

"Silver-match" must be magnesium (p370). (esa peuha)

Why Edward IV stopped raping women too soon for his own good (p159). (rydra wong)

A possible meaning for "karnacist" (p167). (rydra wong)

The point of Morton's nasty remark (p252). (rydra wong)

A historical reference for "the perfection" (p300). (rydra wong)

A link to an English translation of Lucian's True History. (loxias)

And one I picked up from Avram Davidson's Adventures in Unhistory: the significance of the year 1165 AD.

Sep 5, 2007 (Wednesday)

Virgil's role in the Divine Comedy and the Comedy of Man (p87-88). (charlene ahn)

A statue of Sequana in a museum, near ancient Alesia. (texanne)

Sep 4, 2007 (Tuesday)

Prince Edward does develop a strawberry rash on p295, after all. (ctate)

Additional notes on Federigo and the crocus (p67, p94). (ctate, elisem)

Oath to Minerva versus our Hippocratic Oath (p253). (ctate)

Sep 3, 2007 (Monday)

Recollection of the sparrow (p12). (ctate)

Contrast of a cold medallion (p47) and a warm one (p242). (ctate)

Chess as Lorenzo's character note, on p61. (ctate)

Cynthia's crocus-dyed gown (p64). (ctate)

"Archimedian" on p65, p98: possibly more of Archimedes' work survived? (ctate)

Lorenzo's alum war (p70). (ctate)

Aug 31, 2007 (Friday)

The Byzantine sorcerer and his literal want of a shoe, on p372. (ctate)

The entrapment of the villagers on p355 recalls Hywel's story of Rhiannon, on p247. (ctate)

The ancient astronomer Ptolemy appears to have been an Egyptian who lived in Alexandria and took a Greek name. Compare Lucian (p37). (ctate)

Aug 30, 2007 (Thursday)

Beta release. (Which is to say, I showed Draco Concordans to some friends and watched what made them wince.)

Particular thanks to Christopher Tate for a detailed beta run-through.