Two jerks.
mira MIRA you have to come into work
you have to see this, you'll hate it!!
*quack quack*
remember last summer you were complaining about the honking man? And I delivered him a donut lol
*quack* asdf
dont even start, Mira, that hole business is all in the past. We have forgotten about it. you forgave me even though there was nothing to forgive.
*quack* er *quack*
the point is, now I have honks. Honks like you have never heard before. It is a symphony of honks, your honks from last year are completely destroyed.
*quack quack quack*
Stop quacking and listen. It's a goose. It's running around stealing all my stuff and honking
I'd send you a photo but I never saved up enough for a tablet with a camera
and you DESTROYED my QUADCOPTER. which had a camera. i don't hold it against you. I understand your point of view. the quadcopter is in the past as well.
sdfg *quack*
so it's your fault you can't see this goose, that's why you have to come to the New Donut Shop right away
*quack quack*
It stole my coffee mug. My only coffee mug. That still had coffee in it
i know I cant drop it in a hole because I dont do that any more, holes are in the past, you dont ahve to tell me
but now the goose is running around with someone's phone in its mouth. Beak. WHATEVER
stop pushing the quack button MIRAaaA
*quack quack*
say something that isn't a quack
*quack* fghjkl
the goose is getting closer now OHNO
*quack quack*
is that your phone mira