Sagara, Michelle -- Cast in Ruin (Elantra 7)
I enjoy this series more every book, and if I try to analyze why I
come up with: it alternates between esoteric discussions about magical
theory and incredibly uncomfortable social interactions. Occasionally
they're the same thing. (The only thing worse than interrogating a
Dragon about his reproductive habits is the Dragon knowing that
answering is important.) And this is awesome! I don't know why. It's
related to the Covenant thing, actually. It's the "heroine pulls out a
new magic power every book" trope done not as deus ex magicwand, but
as "oh my god, what complexities have I mired myself in this time,
what have I made myself responsible for". And the complexities are
now, what, seven books deep? and the author has not dropped the ball.
Also, Kaylin Neya is now perceptibly a grownup. She'll always do what
she needs to do, and when that includes talking to other people like a
grownup, she does that. This may be why she's my hero. Must learn this
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