Rawn, Melanie -- Spellbinder
You were wondering what I have against romance novels? Books like
this, that's what I have against romance novels. (Mind you, this one
is from Tor, not Luna.) Fabulously beautiful, successful, and wealthy
authoress meets honest, humble Irish cop. But wait! She is also a
member of the circle of white witches who guard the world from evil
with their crystals and herbal candles! (Pause for careful detailing
of which minerals and which aromatic oils go into each spell.) But
wait! The nearly-as-successful but jealous evil authoress tries to
break them up, in between her S&M sex rituals and stomping
kittens! If only they could see the truth! Every single person and
plot element is festooned with these authorial sticky notes so that
you know what to think. Unreadable. PS: I made up the kittens, though.
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