
A Macintosh Graphics Tool, er, Programming Language, um, Mathematical Graphing Package...

Created by Andrew Plotkin (erkyrath@eblong.com)

Current release: 0.5.2 (experimental). Requires Power Macintosh and System 7.0 or later.

TextureFnoob is a graphics tool which can do anything. Okay -- a good approximation of anything. It allows you to construct functions out of basic mathematical elements: numbers, addition, subtraction, colors, color-blending, color maps, rotations, translations, Perlin noise and turbulence functions, and dozens of other operations. And then it dynamically generates the result. The marble texture above is one simple example.

Computer graphics are made of mathematics. TextureFnoob does not give you a preprogrammed set of special effects; it gives you a set of mathematical functions and lets you construct whatever image you want. If you're still not grasping how powerful this is, see my gallery of examples.

Last updated June 18, 1998.

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